
50 Jahre Laserbeugung Die Suche nach dem ältesten Instrument

And the Winner Is ...

MITSUBISHI STEEL JAPAN with a MICROTRAC 9210 SRA laser diffraction analyzer, installed in January 1993!

We are delighted to announce that MITSUBISHI STEEL, represented by Mr. NORIKAZU WATANABE and Mr. TOSHIHIRO SUZUKI (Quality Assurance Office), is the overall winner of our QUEST FOR THE OLDEST competition.

Our instrument is still at the heart of the action – even after three decades!

For 30 years, MITSUBISHI STEEL has relied on the 9210SRA diffraction laser instrument to ensure that every product meets rigorous pre-shipment quality standards. Mr. SUZUKI underlined the importance of this instrument in his daily work:

"Without this inspection, it would be impossible to ship the products".

Maintenance has been limited to cleaning and replacing the cell glass. This is proof that Microtrac designs solid, durable tools ready to take on any challenge. It is through instruments like these that users can achieve exceptional results and continue their innovations without compromise.

50 Jahre Laserbeugung 1974 – 2024

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